Thursday, November 20, 2008

On campus and Off campus event

A couple of months ago I was invited to the theater in Georetown by one of my friends. My initial reaction was negative. I am not the kind of person that finds entertainment in people dressed up in outrageous costumes dancing and singing on a stage. The play that we saw was The Producers. It was actually amusing. I remember seeing the movie version when it came out not that long ago. It was really cool seeing people acting it out rather then watching an edited film version. There was a lot of signing and dancing that got sort of old by the end. It was annoying when the storyline would finally be going somewhere then the whole stage would burst into song and dance. Overall I did enjoy the theater and I think I will try to go more often. I never personally would consider taking up acting.

On Tuesday, I attended the Southwestern Jazz Band Concert in the Bishops Lounge. I am and still am not a really big fan of jazz music. I found the concert boring but relaxing. I did however really enjoy on song called “Zot!” I thought it had a good beat but that was the only song that I cared for. It was nice to not have to think about school for a couple of hours. I feel like school swallows my life and I never have time to do anything else. Attending the concert got me thinking about doing other things then just studying and swimming. I feel like I need something that would broaden my horizon and open up more creativity, which you do need for coming up with unique science studies. I am actually now considering taking guitar lessons as a relaxing activity to get me away from the books for an hour or so a day.

Both of these experiences have opened my eyes to so much more then just science. I am embarrassed to say that I never gave the theater/music a shot. While I like listening to music and once even played in middle school band, I refused to see how anyone could learn anything about life by playing around on a musical instrument or acting like something you’re not on a stage. Yes, I would agree that it provides entertainment to many, but I just did not get it. Ever since I was younger I have been so interested in science, that I never gave any other subject or ideas a chance to provide meaning to my life. I always felt like science was real, it is what explains how and what things are, it explains life and the world that we live in. After watching the performers show off what they have been working on for months, even years, it showed me that there are other things to life then just science. For these performers a play or a concert is not just entertainment, it expresses feeling and emotions words can’t explain.

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