Thursday, April 29, 2010

Semester Reflection Spring 2010

This semester (Number 4!!!) was pretty similar to last semester. The discussions were fun as always. We actually got together at the beginning of this semester, which is major progress. And I think everyone got along this semester, which is a step up from the first year. I deem this semester a success. Next year, I think we should focus more on our topics for our student works symposium projects. It is nice to get an outsiders perspective on a topic you have been slaving over for a while. It is easy to over look something minuscule if you have been studying a subject for a while. It could arise several good explanations or questions that can be addressed in the presentations. I also find it helpful for me to learn by explaining the topic to someone else. As for my study abroad, I am officially going to Australia this summer. I have my ticket and everything. I also received my itinerary. As I stated in an earlier blog, the program will consist of a lot of traveling (up the coast of Queensland) and a research project. Time in Queensland will be spent at conservation zoos, snorkeling off the coast, a stay at the research center of the Great Barrier Reef, and plenty of time admiring the beauty of one of the wonders of the world (the reef). Excitement doesn’t encapsulate the feelings I have about the trip. I am nervous about being on the other side of the world with a group of people I have never met before. But I keep reassuring myself that I will make friends quickly and will not wont the experience to end. Now talking about capstone, my plans have almost completely changed from last time I discussed my awesome research ideas in a blog. We had a very unfortunate semester in the lab (lesson learned: you can’t fight science). So previously I believed I was going to do my research on fish-predator relations using video clips to test various aspects of behaviors of prey fish. Well as I said unfortunate circumstances has led to the wonderful idea of learning about tortoises!! I have found several articles experimenting with tortoises’ spatial learning. I have not quite decided on an experimental process but I am sure it will follow along the lines of comparing our two different species in the field of spatial learning. One of our species is a burrowing species. I predicted that the burrowing system might have evolved an increase in spatial memory of these tortoises compared to our non burrowing species. The idea still needs research on previous literature and fine toning but I am very excited to get started on the experiment to see if my predictions are right. Unfortunately, I must wait until next semester to find out. I am looking forward to our last year together, and learning about everyone else’s research/ creative works that have results from four hard years of studying. Until next time, peace out my peeps.

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