Thursday, April 22, 2010

Art off campus

My off campus experience was completely random. As I was driving home for spring break I noticed a sign for an art show. Not ever interested in art and in a hurry to get home I ignored it. Then I saw another sign then another. The constant reminders and a convincing line to the park entrance, made me stop by the show just to see what it was all about (as a side note, I never stop when I am heading home, when I am on a mission to be somewhere, I get there as soon as possible). The art show/fair consisted of people from all over the state and this very nice couple from Louisiana, wanting to show off their latest creations and sell them to interested buyers. They had everything from masterful paintings to abstract sculptures. I had a really good time (even though it put me off schedule). When I was younger my mom encouraged me to craft as a creative out put. I did not enjoy it that much because I had too much pint up energy to sit still and I had a slight case of obsessive compulsive disorder so I would give up on the first sign of failure of perfection. I never really understood why someone would want to waste their days away creating cutesy crafts that just end up getting thrown away at some point down the road. After meeting some of the artist I was very much impressed by their passion. Last semester I went to an art show on Southwestern’s campus. It was a completely different experience for me as was this. I felt more comfortable at this art fair because it seemed a lot more casual. I talked to some of the artists and asked them what there inspiration was for the pieces of work they created. It seemed like a lot of the artist there were the starving artist type. They either recently got laid off or have been out of work for a while and decided to pursue a dream that ultimately makes them happy regardless if they are successful. I thought it was interesting how many of the artist I talked to, mentioned their recent departure from a job of ten to fifteen years (an obvious sign of the economy). One artist that really stuck out in my mind was one that has suffered from depression after a family member passed away. She quit her “pointless” job to find meaning in life. She said that after feeling helpless, the only way she could express her emotions was through her art work. She felt like art was a calling so she started selling to friends and family and before she knew it she was coming to art fairs to share with the world. The people I meet all seemed so different but yet they had a common trait. Art is amazing in how it can provide so many people with pleasure. It just reminded me that art is important to the wirings of the brain and can be beneficial to people of all types.

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