Monday, January 12, 2009

Boys and Girls Club

Working with the girls and boys club is hopefully going to be a very exciting experience. I am really glad our cohort finally agreed on organization that we can work together to help. I am looking forward to getting to know the members of our cohort even better in a non-classroom setting, what better way to get to know a person’s true character then working together to help others. As for the specifics of the project, I think it would be best to have structured activities. This way there is some control in the group and the kids would be easier to handle. Having structured activities, even if its only for the first couple of visits would allow for us to get to know the kids better which in the long run could lead to more flexibility and unstructured activities. As for me I would enjoy going to the boys and girls club in a group, even if it’s just one or two other people. Just because I am a shy person it is easier for me personally to adjust with other people. I do not think every one has to go in a group but I like to at least have the option. It might also make it easier for the cohort to relate in the issues and experiences that occur during our visits. If more people experienced the same issue then it would be easier to talk about with the rest of the cohort, leading to better discussions and a better understanding of human behavior. What also would lead to better discussions is if we all make at least a once every two week commitment to the club. It would be ideal for everyone to go once a week for a couple hours but realistically speaking every other week would work just as well. Working with a group of kids I believe would be ideal. From what I gathered the last time we talked about this was that not every kid goes every day. If that is the case then it would be very disappointing if a member of the cohort shows up and the kid does not. With a group of kids, there is a better chance to have something to do when we go. Also in a group it is easier to learn social behavior between the kids.

One concern I have is not knowing what to expect from this experience. I am not sure what exactly I am going to gain from working with kids but I am very anxious to find out. I am a little worried about the time commitment but I am sure we will work it all out.

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