Thursday, December 3, 2009

End of the 3rd semester

So far I feel like Paideia has helped me stretch myself outside my comfort zone. I love learning about virtually anything but I do gravitate to specific topics. I generally stick to the topics that make sense to me. When I had to choose and reflect on an on and off campus experience that we typically would not go to, I had no trouble coming up with ideas. On a liberal art campus there is such a wealth of opportunities it is hard to not find something outside of your specialty field. After going to the theater and a music concert, I found that I actually enjoyed the experiences. Over the past year I have been going to more of these type of events. So this year for my on and off campus experience, I had more difficulty deciding which of my experiences I wanted to discuss. The major difference I found between this year and last is that last year I had to find an event to fulfill my requirement and this year I got to choose which of many events I have attended had the biggest impact. I do not always enjoy the activities I go to but I do make the time to go.

I really hope that next semester we can get together more outside of class. I really enjoy everyone in my cohort and think it would be fantastic to get to know everyone that much more. I know how busy this semester was for me and from what I heard everyone else had a equally horrific schedule. So next semester it might be easier to plan get togethers.

As far as future plans go, they have not changed from the beginning off the year. I still plan on studying in Australia this summer. I still want to present my Capstone at the creative works symposium. My Capstone with Dr. Purdy is going to be started next semester. I cannot wait to get started on the project. Overall I cannot wait for next semester. I have learned so much from my Paideia cohort about myself and others. I am saddened that we do not have as many people in our group as last year but everyone who shows up always have so much to share. I love the discussions we have and how it makes me think about stuff that would generally seem irrelevant to me. It is a nice break from normal classes. I am excited for learning more in the semesters to come.

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